
Foot Ball Convention.

The annual meeting of the Inter-collegiate Association was held on last Saturday evening in New York. Harvard being forbidden to engage in inter-collegiate contests for the future, was not represented, and Yale and Princeton represented by Messrs. Camp, Richards and Peters, and Bird, DeCamp and Harriman respectively, opened the meeting, alone in their glory. Wesleyan and the University of Pennsylvania made application for admission to the association, which was granted, and Mr. Bates for the former, and Mr. Work for the latter, took their places in the meeting as delegates.

The chief business transacted was the revision of the playing rules. The following changes were settled upon, and, although Harvard cannot play in the association, it is not likely that the game will be given up here, so the rules will be of interest.

Rule 4.-When the ball is carried across the goal line it shall be a touchdown at the point where it crosses.

Rule 11.-Add, or when the referee has said "down."

Rule 13.-All rules referring to maul in goal shall be struck out.


Rule 18.-In every match game there shall be one paid referee, and he absolute, and he shall referee all championship matches.

Rule 16.- Add, For intentional delay of. the game or for offside play: for first offence one point shall be given to opponents; for second offence one more point shall be given, and the player disqualified. For violation of rules 17 and 28, a player shall be disqualified, and two points shall be given to opponents. No delay arising from any cause whatsoever shall be for more than five minutes.

Rule 22.- Add, Either side refusing to play within five minutes after ordered to play by referee, shall forfeit the game.

Rule 28.- Add, Unnecessary roughness and piling up.

Rule 31.- Add, The man who first receives the ball from the center rusher shall not carry it forward under any circumstances.

The constitution was also modified by the following changes:

Section 1st omitted.

Section 2d. "Except those wounded" omitted.

Art. 3. In case there is no championship, the president shall be elected by ballot.

Art. 9, Sec. 1. The convention must choose the referee to officiate at all championship games.

Art. 11, Sec. 2. No man not a regular member of a college shall play on a college team.

It is expected that at the next meeting there will be some still more radical changes made.
