

GLEE CLUB. There will be a very important rehearsal this afternoon at 4.30. Members are required to attend every rehearsal before the Sanders Theatre concert.

E. R. SHIPPEN, Sec'y.SHAKSPERE CLUB. - The Club will meet as usual at 7.30 this evening. Scenes 1 and 2, Act II, will be read. Several members of the club have volunteered to speak at this meeting.

E. R. SHIPPEN, Sec'y.SHOOTING CLUB. Meeting this (Wednesday) afternoon. Last opportunity for entering the present series of matches. A match will be shot soon with the Dedham Club; those desirous of trying for the team should be present at this and the next meetings. Cars leave the square at 1.30 and 2.

WALTER OAKES, Sec'y.All those who have ever played on the University Foot-Ball team are requested to meet at 5 Little's Block, on Friday, Dec. 11, at 4 p.m. promptly, to choose a captain for next year's team.

M. M. KIMBALL.ART CLUB. - There will be a regular meeting of the club this evening at No. 19 Grays at 7.30. Mr. James Russell Lowell will be present. A full attendance is requested.


G. A. MORRISON, Sec'y.
