

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - In a recent issue of the "CRIMSON" there was an unfavorable comment on the name chosen for the novel debating society at Johns Hopkins. It was held to be unpatriotic that the meeting of students was named and modeled after the English "House of Commons" rather than our own "House of Representatives." And, further, "the anglomaniac tendencies in American Universities" that have shown themselves "in peculiar dress and in strangely distorted pronunciation," were harshly condemned.

As a thoroughly American student I wish to protest against this narrowing down of our models. I cannot see that I am less patriotic because, finding that the dress of Englishmen is more becoming, and their speech more musical than our own, I try to copy after them in these respects. If the students of Johns Hopkins found that their meeting could be best conducted under the rules of the English "Commons," they were justified in using its rules. When we Americans have grown wise and prosperous by adopting the best ideas and customs of other nations, it is not strange that our University men, students of history, should be quick to accept whatever foreign ways seem better than our own. If the CRIMSON teaches - and it sometimes seems to teach - that we are to follow what is American because it is American, it certainly opposes the spirit of this most American University.

