
Note and Comment.


The old time reproach that Williams was far too conservative for its own interests has become of no significance in the last few years. Athletics are accorded their full scope, electives, without interfering with the most radical ideas of a liberal education, are multiplying, and now lastly but by no means of the least import comes the welcome intelligence that the faculty have decided in favor of semi-annual examinations. We are to be no longer tortured by a fearful looking forward to frequent judgements during the ten weary months of college work - the roots of such learning as we have acquired are to be permitted to sink deeply into the soil without being endangered by such exposure as must come when the over-inquisitive professor insists upon digging them up in order to obtain how far they have sprouted. Hereafter, the fall work being thoroughly reviewed is to be set aside forever, and we are to be permitted to combine our energies upon the task in hand. The change must prove beneficial in every respect, and we hail it most cordially as a promising sign of progress. - Williams Lit.
