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There has been much complaint lately of unnecessary noises in the college dormitories. While these noises have not been so great as to attract the attention of proctors, they have been sufficient to disturb more than one man whose mind, for the moment, was bent on "grinding." It is not very soothing to the nerves to hear a wrestling match going on over one's head; to hear a long struggle, as indicated by the falling of chairs and tables, and then to know, from an awful thud and a jar which almost shakes the globes from the chandeliers, that one man has gone down and is only waiting for breath to renew the contest. As for singing and whistling, we cannot all be good first tenors, and it is said that only one man in a thousand can whistle a tune correctly, so in the face of these discouraging facts, let us all resolve to suppress our musical fervor.
