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Now that the voices of the Advocate and Lampoon have been heard accepting, on paper, most gracefully their rightful status in athletics, we feel called upon to close the contest, again on paper, which we have so successfully inaugurated and carried out. The CRIMSON eleven, like its great compeers, the CRIMSON nine and crew, is officially awarded by the action of the Lampoon and Advocate the inter-press championship in foot-ball. The eleven stands by this declaration suns peur et sans reproche. It is yet a matter of doubt whether there will be another quest of the Holy Grail, as the feeling has been expressed that in a contest on paper, there should be "no cups;" but when defeat has lost its sting and success presents no victory, even the wisest may well be in doubt as to the proper course to pursue. While then we accept with great pride and with a full appreciation of the additional honor which it confers, another championship, we still retain a thorough conviction of our own unworthiness.
