
Fact and Rumor.

Prof. John Williams White is in Cambridge for a few days.

New headings to the bills of fare is the latest innovation at Memorial.

It is rumored that some freshmen decorated John Harvard last week with a large mat from Memorial.

The Yale sophomores are trying to prevent the freshman "flag-raising" this year.

The mid-years will soon be announced. Recitations will end on January 21.


A number of Harvard men spent a very pleasant evening at the Newton High School reception Friday.

Philosophy 4 will take up the study of Adam Smith. Theses are due before the Christmas recess.

The current Cyclist and Athlete gives a most interesting description with an illustration of the new steam bicycle.

The Hon. James G. Blaine has been chosen by the senior class at Dartmouth as their commencement orator.

Mr. Burgess, designer of the Puritan, has just designed a sloop forty feet long, for a New York gentleman.

George, the celebrated English runner, is anxious to meet Myers again, and it is likely that they will soon race.

The national league this year will consist of but six clubs, playing twenty games with each other, instead of eight playing twelve games.

The Yale freshmen are considering the question of interfering with the junior promenade by the perennial flag-raising.

Pettit defeated Saunders on Saturday in the presence of a brilliant audience. Pettit conceded his opponent 15 for a bisque and won as follows: 6-2, 6-2, 6-2.

The Shooting Club has challenged the Sheff. Gun Club of Yale to a clay-pigeon match to take place May, 1886. Yale is debating the feasibility of it.

Candidates for positions of the Princeton University nine go into active training immediately after Christmas vacation.

The Herald thinks that Colony will stroke the 'varsity this year. He had the longest reach last year of any of the men in the boat.

The report of President Capen of Tufts, is out. He recommends the building of new laboratories and dormatories. The college is flourishing.

The university of Cincinnati met with a loss of $30,000 by fire Nov. 7. The origin of the fire is supposed to be spontaneous combustion in the chemical laboratory.

Rev. Geo. A Gordon, of the new Old South Church of Boston, preached a marked sermon in Appleton Chapel last evening on the "Dumbness of Unbelief."

'89 has presumably more candidates for coxswain than men in the boat. - Acta Columbiana. This is the way our item of Saturday would have appeared, but for a mistake of the printer.

The fellow students of Miss Bessie Hincks, whose sad death occurred last summer, have placed a memorial to her in the Annex library, in the shape of 250 volumes.

The Yale Glee Club will make its winter tour between Dec. 28 and Jan. 7. The cities which will be favored with concerts include, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh.
