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The victories on the Thames last spring are having due effect in the greatly increased interest in rowing. No other branch of athletics reaches so many men, - between 60 and 70 men are now rowing regularly every day, - and no other one athletic sport is doing as much good in improving the general physical average among our college men. But in spite of all this, the University Boat Club is several thousand dollars in debt, with no apparent prospect of diminishing this debt during the present year. There will be a general canvass of the college during the next few weeks. Instead of compelling the management of the H. U. B. C. to visit every man and almost force him to subscribe, let every one, who feels that he can spare any sum, however small, send his subscription at once to the manager of the crew. There are almost eleven hundred men in the undergraduate department. What a poor opinion must we have of ourselves and of our resources, ??? the eleven hundred men the ??? college association cannot obtain the funds necessary to carry on its work!

But while we say a word in favor of the claims of the Boat Club, we would warn the managers to avoid all appearance even of extravagance, which in former years has given rise to much adverse criticism among college men, and which is the true reason why men do not respond more liberally to appeals for subscriptions.
