
Fact and Rumor.

Marks in Mathematics 7 are out.

There will be a cut in English 5 on Monday,

The 'Varsity were out in their shell on Thursday.

Only two men spoke from the floor at the last Union meeting.

The second crew from '87 have begun rowing in the gymnasium.


Mr. Lathrop is just organizing a new class on the parallel bars.

Bowdoin juniors are addicted to chewing tobacco.

The Spectator advocates a Columbia ball-nine.

A movement is on foot to form another prayer petition greater than last year's.

Mr. Wendell gave a reception to the editors of the Monthly on Thursday evening.

Turf, Field and Farm has entered into a spirited defence of Hanlan's conduct in his race with Teemer.

Princeton defeated Yale in 1878. The Yale News has withdrawn her previous boast that this year's was her first defeat by Princeton.

'88 has presumably more eligible candidates for the position of coxswain than for oarsmen of her crew.

"The Yale team is afflicted with boils on account of improper training." - Spirit of the Times.

Prof. James has invited all his class in Philosophy 2 to come to his house to experiment in mesmeric tests.

Savage, '87 who this year played fullback on the Princeton eleven, has been elected captain for next year.

A bursted pipe on the Square has caused all running water in that neighborhood to be very muddy.

Attention is again called to the request for rooms during the Christmas vacation for the Modern Language Society.

The sixth ten of the Institute of 1770 from '88 is as follows: Keasbey, Bancroft, H. M. Clarke, Grover, Hay, C. Browne, Palmer, Stowell, Paine, Rand.

It has been decided that the long hare and hounds run of Saturday, Nov. 21, was won by the hares, F. B. Dana, '88, and E. C. Webster, '87, as the hounds did not follow the scent.

Princeton celebrated on Wednesday night with speeches, fireworks and a procession. The presentation of the championship was the occasion.

Dartmouth college students will present Shakespeare's play, 'Julius Caesar,' sometime in April. - News, Are they to have three Brutuses?

Religion at Cornell: "Attendance is purely voluntary. It must be very severe weather indeed which prevents the Chapel from being full, while it is often so overcrowded that some have to go away." - Amherst Student.

The Yale team was better this year than last; and critical observers are of the opinion that Princeton would have won easily at the Polo Grounds in 1884 had a fair and firm man like Walter C. Camp been the referee on that occasion. - Turf, Field and Farm.

Journalistic courtesy: "There is a High School or Grammar School located at Wayback, Somewhere County, at which is published a paper called, if we mistake not, the Lehigh Chestnut or Burr, or something. We laugh a sad smile when we see these infantic sheets that originate in some back woods town strain themselves in an attempt to write an opinion." - Acta Columbiana.
