
Note and Comment.


The Princetonian says editorially: "We understand that Princeton will undoubtedly in the near future have a student conference committee. It is something which undergraduates have urged again and again in the past, but which may be said to have grown from the emergencies of the present year. On several occasions during the past few weeks self-appointed committees of students have presented one claim and another before the faculty or one of its numerous committees.

The natural effect has been to make our professors and many of the trustees look upon some permanent student committee as a growing necessity, and we now have promise that it is to be.

It is certainly too early to say just what will be the organization and sphere of this student committee. We venture, however, to predict that it will not be an Amherst Senate to have charge of the discipline of the college. We want a conference committee, and a committee which, unlike the conference committee of Harvard, shall be their own judge of the time for meeting the committee of the faculty. We believe also that while the under-classes should be represented, the committee should be essentially of upper classmen, as in the proportion as power is associated with the senior and junior classes, a premium is put upon experience, and the more will they be able, and endeavor to control the college body and promote moderation."
