
Harvard Union.

Two hundred students listened to a very interesting and well contested debate by the principal disputants at the Union last evening. After President Merriam had called the meeting to order, a vote on the merits of the question was taken which resulted in 32 votes for the affirmative and 58 for the negative. The debate was opened by the following gentlemen: A. B. Robinson, '87, and H. Solloway, L. S., for the affirmative, L. B. Stedman, '87, and French McAfee, Sp. When the secret ballot on the skill of these principal disputants was taken, it was found that the negative had gained the victory by a vote of 54 to 40.

The debate from the floor was not so interesting as usual. When the question was returned to the principal disputants, Mr. Stedman spoke convincingly in summing up the arguments for his side. Mr. Robinson for the affirmative also spoke with vigor in closing the debate.

The question to be discussed at the next meeting of the Union to be held Friday, Dec. 18, instead of Thursday, the regular day of meeting, is, Resolved, "That Nihilism is Justifiable."
