
Fact and Rumor.

The reading-room is daily growing more popular.

The hour examination in Philosophy 1 will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 15.

There was a serious explosion at the Chemical Laboratory of Tufts day before yesterday.

Mr. Wendell of the Harvard Observatory observed the other evening, the comet lately observed at Paris.

The Princeton freshmen recently defeated the Naval Academy in Annapolis at foot-ball, score 10 to 0.


The Library petition is still at Bartlett's. About three hundred names have been obtained.

The cups that have been presented to the 'Varsity crew are on exhibition at Bartlett's.

The Harvard Union is to have a shingle of a very tasty and unique design.

Dr. Wheeler will meet the students in German 4 to-day at 9 o'clock at Sever.

Lasell Leaves has a matrimonial department. Send lock of hair and $1.00. Latin School Register.

James S. Markaye the noted playwright, will lecture at Cornell on the Science of Athletics.

The following members of '88 appeared at the gymnasium yesterday as candidates for the sophomore crew: Baldwin, Carpenter, Abbot, Fuller, Griffin, Barnes, Blossom, Lighthall, Ewald, C. S. Hervey, Page, Workum and Stowell.

There is a movement on foot for a new chapel petition. It will be essentially the same as the one presented to the faculty last year. A thorough canvass of the college will be made.

The winning of the Northern football championship by Williams has aroused desires at Williamstown to match their eleven against some of the inter-collegiate teams next season.

The Yale News exhorts its readers to remember that they must not be too confident in regard to foot-ball next year. Complaints in regard to Yale's poor playing against Michigan are frequent.

The New York nine defeated the St. Louis at New Orleans, on Sunday, by a score of 6 to 2. This is the first game of the series that the New Yorks have won. One game of the series was played by electric light.

On Saturday last, the Inter-collegiate Foot-Ball Association met in New York. Mr. Corwin of Yale was elected secretary and treasurer for the coming year. The championship of 1885 was then formally awarded to Princeton.

President Smith, of Trinity College has declined to accept the tender of the bishopric of Easton, Md. The interests of the college have flourished under his management and it would have been a serious loss to Trinity had he consented to sever his connection with that institution. - Yale News.

There are a few serious mistakes in the Index. For instance, F. L. Dean, of Harvard, took second prize in the bicycle race at the Mott Haven sports, instead of Benton of Columbia. The feather-weight sparring, and not the feather-weight wrestling, was contested at the second winter meeting. The heavy-weight wrestling, which was won by Mr. Keith, '85, has been altogether omitted.

The CRIMSON stands corrected. A very mathematical correspondent has sent in several pages of figures by which he shows that 14 men at a table can be arranged in 87,178,291,200 different ways, not 87,396,291,201 as formerly announced; and 12 men in 479,001,600 different ways, not 478,001,600. The differences in these calculations are serious, and the matter should be brought up at the next mathematical seminar. Practical questions of this sort should not be neglected.
