

The fact is apparent that Yale College is not deteriorating in athletics. Nor must we feel that because we once failed to reach the top of the ladder, we can never get there again. Just because we did not get the base-ball championship last year, it does not stand to reason that our hopes are forever blasted. On the contrary, we have every reason to be hopeful for success this year. We understand that '89 will furnish valuable material for the nine, which will help fill up the gap which the departure of '85 has made.

We congratulate the management of the team on the push and energy which they have evinced in the collecting the means for putting up the prospective base-ball practice shed. This will undoubtedly be a great improvement on the little dingy room to which the winter in-door practice was confined. An early completion of this building is desirable, that our nine may commence practice as early in the year as possible. Courant.
