

No Headline

Our equanimity is disturbed by constantly repeated complaints of petty stealing, - first in this department and then in that. Within the last fortnight, certain students, as it appears, have visited the trophy room in the gymnasium and have despoiled the pictures of the various crews and teams of the figures that designated the different years. Those who are guilty of this act of vandalism may excuse themselves on the plea that the articles taken are comparatively valueless and will serve the purpose of ornaments in students rooms, more perfectly than in the gymnasium. In plain Anglo Saxon, however, a student who is guilty of this practice, is either a kleptomaniac, and deserves a term in the insane asylum, or a thief, and should be made to feel the hand of the common law. Desirous as we are for subjects for editorials, we can but blush for Harvard when we have to refer again and again to these questionable operations, first in the library, again in Memorial, and again in the gymnasium. It is due college honor at large that no false sense of friendship, or generosity, should prevent a student who knows one of these public offenders, from disclosing his name to the proper authorities.
