
Special Notices.

Lost. - $7.00 in two bills, a $5 bill and a $2; folded two or three times. The finder please return to 11 Grays and receive the thanks of the owner.

Students wishing to take lessons in boxing would do well to consult Billy Frazer, the Light-weight champion of America. Orders left at Brine's, sporting outfitter, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

A club of student scan be accommodated with a large front dining room at No. 5 Linden Street.

Call at J. W. Brine's and see the beautiful line of English Macintoshes at less than Boston prices. We have the best $1 Gingham Umbrella in the world. Leather Shooting Coats in large variety. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

To Harvard students. Visit the old established house of J. W. Brine. Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired. Mr. Harry Haugh, the great London cutter, has charge of our custom department. His large experience at Cambridge and Oxford, England, enable him to do nothing but first class work. We are the regular co-operative store. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.


$50 Reward. The above reward will be paid to any person that may bring a garment to my Tailoring Department stained, and I fail to remove it. Mr. John Rogers, whose ability as a first-class cutter needs no comment, has charge of the tailoring department, the only place in Cambridge where the original Blenheim 4 Button Cutaway, Sack and Jalva Sleeve Overcoat can be get up. Pants a specialty. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.
