
No Headline

Room in the yard. - No. 34 Thayer may be had for the rest of the year. A bonus will be given to anyone taking the room. Apply to Arthur Lyman, or to Joseph Lee, at the Law School.

Mr. A. V. Fisher, representing the Fitchburg R. R. (Hoosac Tunnel Route) will be at Leavitt & Peirce's, Thursday, Dec. 17th, to furnish students with tickets for the West at reduced rates.

N. H. IV. Lecture. - A short lecture in N. H. IV. will be given at 68 Thayer, Thursday evening, at 7.30 p.m. The work will be carefully reviewed. Please bring Dana's geology. M. W. Richardson, '86.

To Harvard students. Visit the old established house of J. W. Brine. Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired. Mr. Harry Haugh, the great London cutter, has charge of our custom department. His large experience at Cambridge and Oxford, England, enable him to do nothing but first class work. We are the regular co-operative store. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

$50 Reward. The above reward will be paid to any person that may bring a garment to my Tailoring Department stained, and I fail to remove it. Mr. John Rogers, whose ability as a first-class cutter needs no comment, has charge of the tailoring department, the only place in Cambridge where the original Blenheim 4 Button Cutaway, Sack and Jalva Sleeve Overcoat can be got up. Pants a specialty. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.


School of Dancing, Deportment, Etiquette, &c. Sig. L. Papanti, (nephew of the well known teacher of Dancing, Mr. Lorenzo Papanti of Boston) takes pleasure in announcing to the students of Harvard University that he will open a class in Dancing on Monday evening, Dec. 14, at 7.30 at Lyceum Hall. He will give a thorough instruction in steps, and all the most fashionable dances, including the new Valse-Mazourka, Cottilion, &c. The courses will consist of 16 lessons. Terms $14.00 for the course. Two evenings in the course will be devoted to practising all the dances with music by a fine and select orchestra. Students wishing to join, will please leave their names with Mr. Sever at the University Book-store. Respectfully, L. Papanti.
