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One of the least considered, but most likely of all the results of dormitory life is the danger from fire. We have just heard that a small fire, resulting in the destruction of a lambrequin, occurred in one of the college rooms and was with great difficulty prevented from doing more serious damage. It is truly remarkable that so few fires take place in the college precincts, but their absence ought not to cause carelessness on the part of the students. Every room is more or less exposed to danger from the chance dropping of a lighted match, and every student should keep in mind the comparative lack of proper means for extinguishing a fire even though it might be very slight. The Harvard fire department, which many years ago effectually extinguished itself in attempting to extinguish an unpopular instructor, is a thing of the past, and will probably not be revived. Let each student, therefore, exert great care in his handling of combustibles.
