
Glee Club-Pierian Concert.

The audience assembled in Sanders last evening was much larger than the average, but was no more than the merits of the concert demanded. The singing of the Glee Club was the best which has been heard for several years. Naturally the greatest success was scored in the college songs, which were sung with a good degree of vigor and "snap." "Piper Heidsieck" and the concluding "Medley" were particularly acceptable for their novelty. The glees were sung in unusually good tune, although in regard to expression they might be considered somewhat spasmodic. The "African March" was a very striking number. Mr. Carey's whistling was as good as ever, while the audience expressed their customary approbation. Although the Glee Club carried off the honors in the matter of encores, the Pierian was not behind in real success. Of course there was noticeable at times the roughness and lack of precision which is the unavoidable accompaniment of an amateur performance; while in one place there was a distressing want of harmony in the reed instruments, yet all such blemishes were of wonderfully rare occurrence. Meyerbeer's imposing march won a well deserved encore. Mr. Hillebrand's solo may be truly said to be artistic. It was a rendering which would have been creditable to a much more experienced player. The appearance of a bassoon in the orchestra was an event as welcome as it was unusual. At the conclusion of the concert the audience adjourned to Memorial Hall, and at the hour of going to press, were still "tripping the light fantastic toe."
