
Fact and Rumor.

Advocate out to-day at 4.30 p. m.

President Seelye of Amherst is writing a life of Napoleon.

The Glee Club and Pierian start today for Portland by the one oclock train.

There will be an examination in freshman French, the 18th inst, from 3 to 4, Sever 35.

The advance sheets of the Lampoon give promise of a good number. The issue, however, is delayed till to-morrow.


Yale men are proposing the formation of a University Shooting Club, in which the Sheffield Gun Club is to be incorporated.

Tables converting metric weights and measures into comprehensible English equivalents, can be obtained at the gymnasium.

The Yale News suggests the presenting of some of Yale's used-up shells to the preparatory schools, to foster Yale's stock of embryo oarsmen.

The second seven of the '87 Signet consists of the following men: Black, Blodgett, Frost, Hervey, H. E. Peabody, C. G. Smith, Sternbergh.

The Princetonian publishes an analysis of the individual scores made by the Princeton eleven this autumn. From this we perceive that DeCamp and Harris each made 25 touch-downs, and Lamar 22. The total number of points are, - Princeton, 637; opponents, 22.

Mr. Jones sets out in a few days for a reading trip through central New York. He will read in Utica, Syracuse, Hornelsville, Elmira, and three or four other places.

Every year somebody manages to break into the boat-house, and this year is no exception to the rule. Last week some one forced an entrance, which by the way is no difficult task, and succeeded in obtaining an old hammer. Why he was not more amply rewarded can be attributed to the fact that the above named article was the only thing worth taking. - Cornell Sun.

The funeral of the late John Langdon Sibley will take place at his late residence on Phillips Place, at 12 o'clock to-day. The library will be closed as a mark of respect, from 11.30 a. m. to 1.30 p. m.

Owing to a misprint Wednesday we were made to say that the prayer petition will be "circulated this year through the year," whereas it was intended to convey the impression that it will be circulated through the mail.

The committee of five, appointed by the Princeton faculty, has reported in favor of vigorous measures to abolish hazing. It was decided to expel all ringleaders, and to suspend and drop, for a year, all others found guilty.

Yesterday, Dr. Hart exhibited to members of History 13 a very curious book, once the property of John Harvard, entitled "The Christian Warfare against the World, the Flesh, and the Devil." The date of the publication of this book is 1634. The book is of special interest in being the only one saved from the great fire which long ago destroyed the Harvard library, and so is the only reminiscence of the founder of the university which we possess.
