Students who desire to be considered candidates for membership in the Harvard Union are reminded that only one more meeting of the society will be held before the semi-annual election. The article of the constitution relating to membership is as follows:- "Any member of the University who shall have spoken in the debates of the society and shall have been proposed by the Executive Committee, shall be eligible to election as a member. "A four-fifths (4-5) vote of the members present taken by ballot shall constitute an election. Upon the payment of an initiation fee of one dollar and signing the constitution of the society, the person elected shall then become a member of the society."
We understand that the Executive Committee intend to present only the names of those men who have spoken at least twice from the floor, and have shown a desire to acquire the art of extemporaneous speaking. It therefore behooves all who desire an election to avail themselves of the opportunity to speak at the next meeting of the society to be held one week from Friday. While any one is entitled and urged to speak from the floor, only members are appointed principal disputants.
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