We learn from the executive committee that the reading-room will be opened to-day. The room over the Co-operative store, which has been used already as a reading room, has been put into order. A long list of papers embracing representative dailies of Boston, New York, Chicago, St. Louis, California and other places; the New York weeklies; the London Times and Pall Mall Gazette, and all the leading college exchanges will be placed on file. The reading-room management has shown enterprise in their undertaking thus far. This enterprise is conspicuous in the determination to have the reading-room open from 6.30 to 8.30 in the evening. Would that their energy were contagious, and the library authorities were exposed to it! The room will be opened at 9 o'clock every morning. From that hour, with a brief necessary intermission on account of darkness, the advantages of reading any or all of the papers on file can be enjoyed until 8.30. The accommodations are limited by the funds that are forthcoming. If every one who appreciates this revived institution will become a recruiting agent, larger quarters can be obtained, more papers placed on file, and the accommodations increased. We do not beg for support for the reading-room, but we do assert most emphatically that it can be made a vital source of good in our college, and that all who step forward with their initiation fees will receive full compensation.
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The Serenade to the Princeton Nine.