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The winter season now drawing near promises to afford unusual opportunities for evening entertainments. The lectures already announced give promise of being highly interesting, and they will, without doubt, be supplemented by others of which notice has not yet been given. Cambridge is not such a dull place during the winter term as might naturally be inferred from a glance at the immediate surroundings of the college. The series of concerts given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra affords ample opportunity for the lovers of music to gratify their tastes, and the Chamber Concerts and annual concert of the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality also play an important part in the musical events of the year. Of lectures and readings there is no stint. The Art Club has already given the college one enjoyable evening, and we may hope that the Finance, Historical and Philosophical Societies will also do their share. In short, the outlook is promising enough, and if all else fails, - why, Boston is only a half-hour's ride away!
