Mr. E. A. Fargo was in town on Wednesday, visiting friends in college.
Mr. F. B. Fogg, '85, is studying law in Nashville, Tenn.
Sixty men have signed for the reading room.
It is rumored that the Lawrence Scientific School is to be remodeled.
The freshmen maintained better order than usual in Chemistry yesterday.
N. E. Coffin, '85 imported the first tennis set ever seen in DesMoines, Iowa.
There was a recitation in Chemistry I yesterday, instead of laboratory work for the second time this year.
Dr. Francke, who is confined to his room by illness, will not meet any of his German sections until next week.
There is a rumor that measures will be taken by the alumni to furnish Yale with the much needed new gymnasium.
Dr. Sargent is now examining about twenty men daily, and applications for examinations have been filed for weeks ahead.
The courses in the Lawrence Scientific School have been completely remodeled and are a great improvement over last year's.
36 new lockers are now in process of completion in the fencing room; this will make the total number of lockers in the gymnasium 937.
The '85 class album is now on exhibition at Notman's; it contains not only the photographs of members of the class, but all groups taken last year by Mr. Notman.
W. A. Hammond, '85, A. B. and A. M., Princeton, has just been appointed Professor in Classics at King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia.
Mr. Bertram Curtis Henry, '86 has been elected musical critic, and Mr. William Barnes, Jr., '88, has been elected a regular editor of the CRIMSON.
F. H. Darling, '84, has been elected a member of the Thayer Law Club. Messrs. Garrison, '83 and Bryce, Yale, '85, are the latest members of the Ames-Gray Club.
The need for increased bathing accommodations in the gymnasium is greatly felt this year. Men are crowding in daily in greater numbers than have ever been seen before.
Those students in N. H. 4 who are athletically inclined, will have an opportunity to exercise their powers in an 8 or 10 mile walk with Prof. Shaler on Saturday. Train will leave O. C. Station at 8.30 o'clock.
At the meeting of the Hasty Pudding Club held last evening, Mr. Sanborn was elected Kr. in place of Mr. Houghton, resigned. Mr. Felton was elected Artist. Mr. Lapeyre was elected a regular member, and Messrs. Droppers and Haywood, honorary members.
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