
Clay Bird Shooting.


The shooting men of the college may be well satisfied with the weather which has prevailed during the past month. Yesterday afternoon was extremely favorable for high scoring, and, despite the absence of some of the club's best shots, the records show that good shooting was no rarity. The opening of the new series of matches called out a fairly large field of entries, and the score sheets showed close competition in the various events.

The summary of the events contested is found below:

Match A. 10 clay pigeons, 18 yards rise, 5 angles, open to all. F. S. Palmer, 8; F. S. Coolidge, 8; M. H. Clyde, 7; F. S. Meade, 6; W. Austin, 5; L. Sullivan, 3.

Match B. 10 clay pigeons, 18 yards rise, 5 angles, open to all. M. H. Clyde, 8; W. Austin, 7; F. S. Coolidge, 6; F. S. Palmer, 6.

Match C. 10 clay pigeons, 18 yards rise, 5 angles, open to those who have never won prizes. W. Austin, 9; F. S. Coolidge, 9; F. S. Palmer, 8; F. S. Meade, 6; M. H. Clyde, 6.


At the close of the regular matches a practice match was shot.
