The comparatively uneventful existence of the Harvard Polo Club led many to believe that its main aim was to furnish sport for its members, and that nothing was to be expected from it in the way of match games with other clubs. While it is true that the polo interest at Cambridge has been confined to a small circle, yet the college cannot but be gratified at the victories won by the polo team in its games of last summer, and the story of its achievements will not prove uninteresting reading, even at this late day.
It seems that the polo players put in some vigorous work during the spring months, with a view to entering the summer polo games at Newport. Though but little was said about the work of the team, the improvement was steady, and the close of the college year found both men and ponies in the best possible form for the work to be done later. The Westchester Polo Club had offered a set of cups to be played for by the clubs of America, and Captain Belmont had been training his men for the express purpose of winning these cups if possible. The entries for the contest included the Meadow Brooks team, the Westchester team, and the Harvard players. The first game brought Harvard face to face with the Westchester team. The sides were made up as follows: Harvard - R. R. Belmont (captain), A. T. French, O. W. Bird, and E. L. Winthrop. Westchester - C. O. Irelin (captain), W. Ruthesford, N. G. Lorillard, and J. L. Kernochan. The referee was Mr. H. L. Herbert. Umpires, Mr. August Belmont, Jr., for Harvard; Mr. Thomas Hitchcock, for Westchester.
SUMMARY OF MATCH.First Game - Westchester. Goal by Lorillard; time, 40s.
Second Game - Harvard. Goal by Belmont; time, 3m. 30s.
Third Game - Harvard. Goal by Bird; time, 5m. 45s.
Fourth Game - Harvard. Goal by Winthrop; time, 3m. 3s.
Fifth Game - Westchester. Goal by Irelin; time, 23s.
Sixth Game - Game called on expiration of time.
Seventh Game - Westchester. Goal by Kernochan; time. 4m.
Eighth Game - Harvard. Goal by Belmont; time, 4m.
Ninth Game - Harvard. Goal by Belmont; time, 17m.
Total - Harvard, 5; Westchester, 3.
The second game in the series brought the Meadow Brook team against Harvard. The crimson was represented by the same team that played Westchester. The Meadow Brook players were W. K. Thorn., Jr. captain; S. Mortimer, E. Roosevelt, and H. L. Herbert. Referee, Mr. J. M. Waterbury. Umpires, for the Meadow Brooks, Mr. C. O. Irelin; for Harvard, Mr. August Belmont, Jr.
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