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One striking feature in the statistics of the forthcoming catalogue is, however, worthy of more than passing notice. We refer to the marked increase in the number of special students now enrolled. Under the old order of things this increase might have occasioned the remark that the number of drones in the Harvard hive has been greatly augmented, for it cannot be denied that there was once a time in the history of the college when the appellation of "special" marked a student as one who was either too indolent or too dull to successfully complete the regular curriculum. Under the new order of things this slur can no longer be cast upon the class of students in question. It is one of Harvard's favorite boasts now-a-days that any man may come to Cambridge and find the best of instruction in any subject which he may choose to pursue as a specialty. It is another favorite boast that hard-working and earnest students do come to take advantage of the opportunities for special research thus offered.
