Monday afternoon, those members of the Co-operative Society who assisted the society with subscriptions last winter, had a good opportunity to realize the truth of the often disputed saying that "Virtue is its own Reward." Checks to the amount of the subscriptions paid were sent to each subscriber, payable to bearer, and thus the society has proved its ability to maintain itself alone on its own merits without aid. We congratulate the management of the society on the success which has attended its efforts to place the society on a firm financial basis, and we think we express the sentiment of all under-graduates when we say that the business of the society has never been carried in a manner more satisfactory to the students than it has been this fall, and that we all feel indebted to the able superintendent who has brought the society to its present flourishing condition. The fact that the society could afford as early in the year as this to refund several hundred dollars is a strong and pleasing proof of its success.
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