
Fact and Rumor.

Prof. Goodale's new text book in Botany has appeared.

The gymnasium is now crowded; especially with freshmen.

There will be a hare and hounds run, the third of the season, starting this afternoon from Matthews at 4.15.

Mr. J. Alexander Campbell, not Mr. J. A. Hamilton, is the latest member of the Thayer Law Club.

Fifty new lockers are now in process of construction in the gymnasium, and all the old ones are already occupied.


At the meeting of the Historical Society last evening, J. F. McClure '86 read a paper on "The Afghan Troubles."

Mr. F. N. Cole, '82, instructor in Mathematics, will deliver a series of twenty lectures before the M. P. Club of Boston.

The following gentlemen have been elected members of the Shakspere Club: Seniors, Bryant, Santayana, Churchill, Hutchins, Roberts. Juniors, Morrison, Shippen, Talbot, Wetherbee, Hamilton, S. H. Smith, Stedman, Bowen, Knapp. The officers for the ensuing year are: President, Mr. Jones; vice-president's, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Winter; secretary, E. R. Shippen, '87; treasurer, F. S. Churchill, '86.

The CRIMSON has received from Houghton, Mifflin & Co., samples of the Whitney and Emerson calendars, which are extremely pretty and unique in design.

The number of special students just posted shows the enormous gain of 39 over last year, making 109 in this department. The whole number of academic students this year is 1065, a loss of three from last year.

The trustees of Williams College held a meeting recently, and voted President Carter an indefinite vacation. It is understood that this is caused by President Carter's health, which has been poor of late, and not because of any dissatisfaction on either side. The college never had so large a membership as now, and the present freshman class is the largest ever in the college.

Some of our muddle-headed contemporaries who have been publishing accounts of the "Death of a Harvard student wile engaged in a joke," the following facts may be of interest: The man in question was not a Harvard student. He did not accompany the party of students to Worcester, but drove back the empty carriage. He was not intoxicated, but died of apoplexy.
