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A rich treat in the way of lectures, concerts and readings is in store for the students of this university. We learn from the Bursar that Sever 11 is engaged every evening with only one or two exceptions from now until the Christmas recess. Last night the first of a series of lectures on the history of California was delivered by Professor Royce of the philosophical department. It was a masterly presentation of the beginnings of the history of the gold bearing state, and the lecturer did not allow the attention of his audience to flag once. Dr. Royce is admirably fitted for the task which he has undertaken. He has spent much time in California as an instructor in the state university, and his recently published history of California in the Commonwealth series, evidence the writer's thorough mastery of the political, economic, and social status of this comparatively recently settled country. The remaining lectures of this course are to be given on successive Monday evenings. The topic of the lecture next week is, "The First Golden Days, and the Early Mining Life."
