Foot-ball practice this fall has kept a number of the candidates for the 'Varsidy crew away from the boat-house, and as a consequence the work done on the river this fall has been of a rather desultory kind. However, the captain of the crew has shown much personal activity in his coaching of the numerous candidates. Every afternoon when the weather permitted has been utilized. Sometimes the crew has gone out as an eight. The shell has been out about five or six times. Pair oared barges, however, are the boats which have been generally used.
Long runs have been taken by the crew and substitutes during the many pleasant days of the fall. From ten to twelve miles have often been covered. The final make-up of the eight is of course extremely uncertain as yet, and all guesses must be almost valueless. Of last year's crew, five men are now in college who intend to row this year. Mumford, Keyes, Brooks, Burgess and Colony. These men are all '87, while Alexander, Remington, and Ayer of last year's substitutes are also '87. At first glance it would seem as if '87 would be almost able to row the 'varsity crew as her representative in the class races. There are a number of last year's successful freshman crew who are trying for positions on the 'Varsity, Adams, Porter, Butler, Bradlee and Wood, ex-captain of the '88 crew. It is quite likely that one or more of these men will take seats in the boat. '88 has shown up some very good men, and if they fail in getting on the 'Varsity, it will be no fault of their's, but superior oarsmanship in others. The freshmen also have their representative. Pfeiffer, '89, is a large strong man and bids fair to become a good oarsman. The men are still at work on the water and will row there as long as the Charles remains free from ice.
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