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Those who played in the foot-ball game last Tuesday, realized after the game that the gymnasium is sadly deficient in the apparatus for drying clothes. There are, to be sure, the steam pipes in the back of the lockers, but every one who has had any experience in the matter knows that clothes in the lockers never dry, no matter how long they remain there. Besides this there is one radiator in the bathroom. Probably it was not intended for a drying machine; but that is what it is used for, and it does its work well. One, however, is not enough for all the men who wish to use it. There ought to be at least three or four. The foot-ball season is over, and this, of course, diminishes the number of wet and bedraggled individuals; but on the other hand the crew men will soon settle down to their work, and their daily runs up North Avenue will have to be kept up in wet weather as well as in dry. When we add to this, the fact that the gymnasium is now overcrowded with other men who prefer that their clothing should be dry, we think that the gymasium authorities might exert themselves to remedy this defect.
