There was a cut in Pol. Econ. 4 on Wednesday last.
The Lampoon and Advocate both appear to-day at 4.30 p.m.
Only 23 out of 134 Yale freshmen use tobacco in any form.
There will be cuts to-day in Mathematics 2, Philosophy 2, and Mechanics 1.
There was a cut in English 5 on Wednesday, and there will be another today.
The Cornell Era has a very full and very interesting account of the late inauguration of President Adams.
Bob Cook has recovered so far from his late injuries that he has resumed his position as coach of the Yale crews.
The Lehigh Burr complains over the "cribbing" which goes on there, and attributes it to the extreme youth of the average student.
A fire broke out in the library of Hobart College last week and destroyed many valuable books, college documents and a marble bust of ex-President Hall. The total loss is $25,000.
37 1-5 per cent. of the freshman class room in the yard this year, against 38 per cent. last year. This includes Beck, Hilton, Holyoke, Little's and College House.
Union University is the last plan for the future. This is to be located at Albany and will comprise Union College, Albany Law School, Albany Medical College, and Dudley Observatory.
A plan like our conference committee for representation of the students in college government, is undergoing consideration at Princeton.
Baby journalism: "We hope that the pupils will understand that whatever we publish concerning incidents in the school is simply as a joke and not be offended." - E. H. S. Record.
Examinations of Yale freshmen show that the S. S. freshmen are unusually strong in muscular development. The average age of the freshmen is 19 years. - a little younger than '88.
The Princeton Dramatic Club gave a highly successful performance of "She Stoops to Conquer" on Monday last. The proceeds were presented to the Base-Ball Association.
A Mohammedan University nine hundred years older than Oxford, is still flourishing at Cairo, as in the days of Arabian conquests. It contains but one room, the floor is paved, and the roof is supported by four hundred columns. Ten thousand students are said to have been educated there to preach the Moslem faith.
Dr. McCosh's activity in Princeton's interests seems to increase with the advance of years, and proves the wisdom of the board of trustees in not accepting the resignation which Dr. McCosh presented to that body two years ago. During the past month, the venerable President has assisted at the organization of two important alumni associations - one in northwestern Pennsylvania and one in Brooklyn. This week he delivers a lecture in the Phillips Academy course at Exeter, on "The Influence of Habit in College Training." - Evening Post.
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