The Inter-collegiate Association has, for the past several years, given strength and life to foot-ball. Harvard, Yale and Princeton, the three leading universities, have been members of this association, and at times the only members. Under the care of the three above colleges, foot-ball has been brought to its present standard of excellence, which still, when compared with the play in England, is very low.
To give foot-ball the requisite degree of life, and place it on a firm footing as a regular ball sport, it is necessary that more of the larger colleges should practice and play the game as it ought to be played.
Last year, the game which then seemed likely to receive rapid growth, was injured much by several circumstances.
First, the action of the Harvard faculty in prohibiting the Harvard team from longer playing in the inter-collegiate association. Secondly, the gross reports which were published regarding the game played on the Polo Ground, Thanksgiving Day. Thirdly, the report of the Harvard committee, which was sent throughout the country; and, fourthly, the action of the Princeton faculty. Of these causes the reports of the daily papers on the Thanksgiving day game did more to cause a decline in foot-ball than all the other causes combined. - N. Y. Sportsman.
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