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The attendance of students at the Sunday evening services in Appleton Chapel has of late shown a marked increase. This greater attendance is doubtless largely due to the fact that prominent preachers have occupied the pulpit. Such men as Canon Farrar, Phillips Brooks, Minot J. Savage and others, who have recently preached in Appleton, cannot fail to draw large audiences. Moreover, by their power and earnestness they never fail to interest and influence. We cannot but be glad that the college is so fortunate in getting able men to occupy the chapel pulpit, and we believe that in this way the authorities will accomplish much more towards exciting an interest in and respect for all matters of religion among the students, than by any system of compulsion. We think that we can say with no small degree of certainty that, since Sunday attendance at church was made voluntary, quite as many of the students as formerly, perhaps more than formerly, have regularly attended church services.

We are pleased to learn that the sophomore crew intends to begin work in the gymnasium in a few days. As it is understood that several members of last year's-crew have been asked to try for regular and substitute positions on the 'varsity, there will probably be several vacant seats to fill for this year's boat. As there was more than enough good material to fill the boat last year, there can be little doubt of a successful sophomore crew, provided only the men who tried then will have the courage to come forward now. By this early beginning of work it looks as though it was '88's ambition to follow in the wake of the illustrious sophomore crew which preceded her, and crown the record of their second year in college with a well earned victory over seniors, juniors and freshmen.
