

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - As an undergraduate at Harvard it pains me to discover that any man ever graduated from this college who could write such a letter as appeared in your issue of Wednesday. He speaks of cranks in college in the most "grandiloquent" and patronizing way, and insinuates that your correspondent belongs in the list. He not only accuses him of being a crank, but declares that he is untruthful and malignant. If the "Graduate" would read the accounts of the so-called sophomore-freshman rush which appeared in some of the Boston papers, I think that even he could not deny that a "Battle at Cambridge," followed by double leads, was more than "graphic description." This report was copied all over the country. In the papers of New York statements were made that several men had been severely injured. It is this very spirit which the "Graduate" admires, that is doing so much to lower journalism in this country to the rank of the dime novel. Sensationalism has been shown and any defense, especially in an aggressive way, is presumptuous and entirely out of place. In addition, the college press should not be made the means whereby correspondents who write in good faith can be flatly accused of jealously and personal animosity. It would seem that "after years of experience" the "Graduate" would have learned the fundamental principles of required journalism.
