

SHOOTING CLUB. If the weather is clear the postponed shoot will occur to-day.

W. OAKES, Sec'y.HARE AND HOUNDS. There will be a long slow hunt of ten or twelve miles on Saturday, Nov. 21, at 2.30 p.m., if fifteen or more men sign the book at Bartlett's before 12.30 on that day. In case not enough men sign for the long run, there will be an ordinary run at the same hour, 2.30. Meet in front of Matthews. Webster and Dana hares.

R. D. SMITH, JR.,Pres. H. A. A.PIERIAN SODALITY. The Portland concert is coming off early in December, and everyone must attend the rehearsals if they wish to play in the concert. There will be a rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock for second violins, 7.15 for first violins, and 7.30 for full orchestra.

