EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - If space permits I should like to express through the columns of the CRIMSON what seems to be the general opinion in regard to last Wednesday's game. In the first place '86 showed a most contemptible spirit in refusing to wait a day as requested. The '87-'88 game was twice postponed at the request of the respective captains. Why could not '86 have been as courteous? Was their standing as foot-ball players or gentlemen raised by saying that '87 could play with substitutes or forfeit the game? Were they proud of the fact that the captain of the '87 team could only be present as a spectator?
Two other features of the game which caused considerable comment were the gentlemanly rebuke given by an '86 player to one of his opponents, and the numerous attempts of the '86 captain to brow-beat the referee, attempts which happily did not succeed. The vigorous remarks of the '86 captain to his opponents on the subject of closing their conversation were highly edifying, considering the fact that the former was not particularly noticeable for his own reticence in various subjects connected with the contest. Let us hope that in the coming game with '88 the team will act a little more as Harvard students are supposed to act and less like something else.
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