A hare and hounds club has been started at Princeton.
The Memorial dinner hour is now from 5.30 to 6.30 p.m.
The Sheff. Gun Club shot off their fall match last Saturday at Yale.
Princeton has made an aggregate of 246 points in her six games so far, averaging 80 points per game.
The Exonian followed the Phillipian's example by appearing with a very creditable supplement on Saturday.
Professor William A. Cook, late professor of German at Harvard, is now connected with the Institute of Technology.
President Eliot, of Harvard, will read a paper before the New York Nineteenth Century club during the winter upon "Religion in College."
The Institute of Technology held their fall sports on Saturday; the events were a two-mile bicycle race, 100, 220 and 440 yards dash and mile run. The record was broken in the 220 yards dash.
For the New England college championship Williams has won 3 games, lost 0, 125 points to 6; Technology won 1, lost 1, 22 points to 23; Tufts won 1, lost 2, 26 points to 75; Amherst won 0, lost 2, 10 points to 79.
A freshman foot ball team has been organized at the Tech, with Mr. La Rose as president. The committee for the selection of the team consists of Messrs. La Rose, Bardwell, Marcy and Dame. Mr. Ewen has been elected manager.
Among other articles in the November number of the Monthly will be an article on "Harvard and the Emancipation Movement," contributed by Mr. F. B. Sanborn.
The Chapel choir has been making a great deal better showing than last year. There have been several fine solos lately, and their singing is a great improvement over last year's.
Dr. J. Ryland Kendrick has been appointed to fill the position of President of Vassar College. About a hundred students have been admitted, and the college is in a very flourishing condition.
Foot ball games on Saturday: At Boston, Yale 51, Technology 0; at Hartford, Wesleyan 60, Trinity 6; at Exeter, P. E. A. 14, '89 2; at Princeton, Princeton 80, U. of Penn. 10; at Williamstown, Williams 53, Amherst 0; at Andover, P. A. A. 18, Tufts 0.
The Princeton eleven is now constituted as follows: DeCamp, '86, Cook, '89, Harris, '86, Adams, '86, Cowan, '88, Irvine, '88, H. Hodge, '86; quarter, R. Hodge, '86; half, Lamar, '86, Bickham, '86; back, Ford, '89. Subs., Griffith, '86, Williamson, '87, Lewis, '89.
The schedule of mechanical drawings at the M. I. T. of the first year has been altered. The freshmen now get seven hours of mechanical, and two hours of free hand per week. Last year they had six hours of mechanical and only one of free hand drawing. C. L. Adams has charge of the freehand drawing.
The ladies of the Cornell freshman class by a combination succeeded in electing the vice-president and secretary from their number. This will add an interesting phase to the freshman class supper, where the sophomores have a custom of carrying off both the supper and the officers. [Princetonian.
The Technology society af'88 held its first meeting on Thursday in Rogers. The constitution was read and accepted. The officers for the ensuing year are: President, F. R. Dempsey; vice-president, H. C. Moore; secretary, G. U. G. Holman; treasurer, L. E. Horne; entertainment committee, L. B. Newell, chairman; L. S. Means and C. E. Claflin.
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Registration at Princeton after Football Games.