
Foot Ball.


The fourth game of the series was played on Jarvis Field yesterday afternoon, between the senior and junior elevens, resulting in a victory for '86. The game was not begun very promptly, the '87 men being late. When they did put in an appearance it was seen that the team was crippled by the loss of Willard and Russell, both of whom were unable to play on account of sprains received in the game of Monday last. The vacant places back of the rush line were filled by Wiestling and Meeks, while Burgess was seen filling the gap in the rush line. The seniors took the upper end of the field, giving '87 the kick-off. From the moment the game began it was evident that both sides were playing for all they knew. Gradually the ball was worked down towards '86's goal, the '86 backs doing some terrible muffing while '87's rush-line broke through in a marvellous manner, stopping all attempts at kicking. For a while the ball stuck about the twenty-five yard line, but sharp work and fine dropping on the ball by the juniors, forced the ball close under '86's goal. After several futile attempts Fletcher succeeded in getting the ball across the line. From this touch-down Peabody kicked a goal. From this point till time was called the ball stayed down in '87's half of the field. At this point the '86 rushers began to wake up, and they began to play in great shape, stopping every attempt of the half-backs to run or kick. Good rushes by Fiske and Burnett carried the ball down close to '87's goal. The seniors tried to force the ball over the line by means of first one and then another of the rush line, but to no purpose, for the '87 rush line effectually quenched such attempts. After '86 had three downs, all within the tenyard line, without accomplishing anything, the ball was passed back to Fiske, who kicked a goal from the field. From the kick-off at the middle of the field, the ball went down towards '87's line again. '86 was not able to score again, and time was called with the ball twenty-five yards from '87's line. Score, 6 to 5, in favor of '87.

The second half was to a certain extent like the first. '87's heavy rush line carried the ball right down towards the seniors goal. Wiestling tried for a goal from the field. It was now '86's turn to brace, and brace they did with a vengeance. Up the field the ball went in spite of everything '87 could do, Burnett, Austin, and Woodbury making good rushes. In was now growing dark, and the '87 backs seemed to have great trouble in catching and kicking the ball. The ball was downed not far from '87's line, Woodbury tried to rush it over, but without success. Burnett was equally unlucky. Adams proved to be the lucky man, securing a touch-down right between the goal posts. The ball was brought out and Kimball kicked a goal, making the score 11 to 6 in favor of '86. This ended the scoring, though '86 kept forcing the game for the rest of the time. Burnett and Adams each made superb runs, both of which were of no avail on account of previous foul.

The great feature of the game was the rush line work of the two teams, being clever, powerful and effective. '87 had the heavier rush line, and on the whole it broke through better; but this was more than counterbalanced by the superior running powers of some of the '86 men, and also by the fact that after the first fifteen minutes '86 played Rankin in the rush line, and dispensing with a full-back, thus gained one man over the juniors. The rush-line work was a good deal sharper and better than that of the Yale team when they played Technology this fall, and infinitely better than anything our university eleven of last year ever displayed, thus showing how much good this plan of class games has accomplished in the way of bringing out new men and developing the old ones. Both sides dropped on the ball in good style yesterday, Peabody being especially noticeable in this respect. For '87, Brooks, Bartol, Burgess, Fletcher and Peabody played the best game. For '86, Burnett, Fisk, Austin and Kimball did the best work, though the backs were loose in their catching all through the game.

The teams were made up as follows: '86, rushers, Burnett, Churchill, Vogel, Dewey. Harris, Woodbury, Adams; quarter-back, Kimball, (captain); half-backs. Fisk, Austin; full-back, Rankin. '87, rushers, Faulkner, Bowen, Burgess, Brooks. (captain) Keyes, Bartol, Fiske; quarter-back, Fletcher; half-backs, Peabody, Wiestling; full-back, Meeks. Referee, Mr. A. F. Holden, '88.
