The college presidents are a much rarer class of men than is commonly supposed. There are now sixteen colleges in the country that are without presidents, and yet almost every day one reads that a new institution has been founded by some millionaire, who wishes in some way to perpetuate his fame and influence among educated men. The Stanford University, with its endowment of $3,500,000, will soon be a competitor for still another president, and there is no knowing how many more of these figureheads or financial agents may be required before the end of the year. The truth is that there is no better place for killing first class men than to make them presidents of one of the thousand small and struggling, and often not needed colleges that are scattered all over the century. Their Presidents are made responsible for great things, and are expected to create splendid results out of nothing. Dr. Duryea narrowly escaped this indiscribable position at Union College, and it is just this ??? of being hopelessly handicapped that sends these institutions out in the rain hope of inducing some competent person to take charge of them. - Boston Herald.
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