
Fact and Rumor.

New seats have been assigned in Political Economy IV.

The second issue of the Monthly will appear to-day instead of on Saturday.

It is expected that the college catalogue will appear on Friday.

Princeton, '87, has lost forty men during the past year.

The Yale News domplains of smoking in their gymnasium.


The gentlemen cricketers of England made $7.500 on their trip to this country.

Owing to Prof. Norton being absent to-morrow, there will be a cut in all of his courses.

The Index may be expected either the last of this week or the first of next.

Prof. Cooke lectured to the freshmen last evening on "Glaciers and Icebergs" in Boylston.

The "Eumenides" of Aeschylus will be performed at Cambridge, Eng., on the first five days of December.

President McCosh, of Princeton, will deliver a lecture in the Phillips Academy course at Exeter, Nov. 19th, on "The Influence of Habit in College Training."

The library petition is being largely signed; the book still remains at Bartlett's.

Great complaint is made that books are taken from the Scientific School library and not returned.

The University crew is still rowing on the river, and will continue to do so till snow falls.

The lacrosse and base-ball practice on Holmes is growing more and more desultory as the winter approaches.

The Scientific School is the only department of the college which now has a surplus in the treasury.

The Princeton-Yale freshman game occurs to-day at Princeton. The chances favor the Yale freshmen.

The '85 class album will be removed to the library on Friday. It is a very handsome and satisfactory one.

The Exonian is jubilant about the victory of Exeter over Andover at foot-ball. The first page is decorated with a large rooster.

An effort is being made to arrange a foot-ball and lacrosse teams; the nine will play the twelve as an eleven.

The first eight of the Pi Eta from '87 is: Boyden, Burbank, G. W. Foster, Giddings, Grinstead, Knight, Power, Rogers.

The canvass of the students of Tufts College in regard to the question of co-education immediately at Tufts, resulted in 81 against and 37 for the proposition, only three men not voting.

The gymnasium is crowded every day now and the apparatus are in very good condition, with the exception of the stationary bicycle. Dr. Sargent is examining between 20 and 30 men daily.

More Western news: "The Dickerson gymnasium of Hillside college was dedicated recently with appropriate ceremonies, in which the college faculty, the mayor of the city, and other distinguished citizens took part. The gymnasium is named for F. B. Dickerson, a graduate of the college who gave $1.500 to the erection of the building, and was present at the dedication. It is said to be the only college gymnasium in the United States - Chicago Times.
