


EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - Although I have admired the dash and spirit with which the players on the class elevens enter into the games for the college championship, there still is one feature of their play which I cannot admire. There is much profane language indulged in by some of the players and, as they do not always speak in the softest of tones, the practice has excited some comment. Especially was such sulphurous language objectionable on Monday when several ladies were present at the game. Their presence, which ought, if anything could, to have retained their careless or thoughtless players of whom I speak, seemed to have little or no effect, for the profanity still continued, much to the disgust of the thoughtful audience. It is hardly an admitted trait of the gentleman, and such I presume, these men consider themselves and wish us to consider them, to express themselves in public in such strong, not to say coarse language. Let there be more care by the captains to restrain themselves and their men in the near future and no more complaint need be heard.

