

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - There is something which stands in need of correction in one of the many "Clubs" now existing at Harvard. The club I mean is the "Shakespeare Club," and the matter I mean is the spelling of their title; they spell it "Shakspere." Now there is no authority whatever for this spelling; if there is, I should be most happy to have any member of the club to produce it. I can give him all the names be wants for my way of spelling it, whereas I am afraid he would be hard put to obtain seven well-known names who support his spelling. The correct way of spelling the name of the board is "Shakespeare." I happened to come across a theme the other day, on one of our well known authors, in the heading of which the writer of the theme had spelt the name wrong. I have no doubt that a low mark will be the result of such a mistake. Now why should we countenance the mistake of persons who ought to know better in this instance? Surely they cannot have read or seen a reprint of the first folio of 1623, for there this name as in most good authors is spelt correctly. - "Shakespeare."

