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Since the days of the course of lectures given under the auspices of the Historical Society on the Civil War, no lectures have met with as much general favor in the college as those now being given on California by Dr. Royce. The capacity of Sever 11 has been taxed to the utmost; and if large audiences continue, it would seem quite advisable that the place for the lectures be changed to Sanders Theatre. There can be little doubt that the great interest in Californian history, as well as Dr. Royce's unusual ability as a lecturer, would draw audiences that would not feel at all lost even in such a capacious auditorium as the theatre. The change to Sanders would give a popular course of lectures the prominence that it surely deserves, and would also allow more persons to listen to Dr. Royce's discourses on Californian History, discourses that cannot fail to interest and instruct. To Dr. Royce himself the thanks of the college are certainly due for what he has so successfully undertaken for their entertainment and instruction.
