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The Channing Church fair at Newton closes this evening. A great variety of novel, useful and ornamental articles will be offered for sale, affording a splendid opportunity for everybody to lay in a stock of presents for the coming holidays.

A private family in a new house with all modern improvements on Harvard Street near Beck Hall, can accommodate 4 students with fine appartments. Address "Eureka," office this paper.

J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row. We have all the latest styles of Earl & Wilson collars, Earl & Wilson cuffs, English Gloves, English Hosiery. Full Dress Shirts to order, and always in stock English Black Dress Hose. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

"Co-operative Society" discount of 15 per cent. to all students. We keep one of the best and finest stocks of English and American Boots and Shoes to be found in the city. We are well known at Harvard as first-class. Small Bros., 371 Washington St., cor. Bromfield St.

Having taken into partnership a gentleman from the East, I will pay the highest cash prices for cast off clothing. Please send orders to No. 4 Brattle Street, and they will be promptly attended to. Hours, 1 to 3 and 6 to 7 p.m. A. Archambeau & Co.


For Sale. - A chestnut pony; 13 1-4 hands high perfectly sound. Apply to Robert Elder, Adams Estate, Watertown.

For Sale. - Two polo ponies, - gentle, sound and well trained. One is good for both saddle and driving. They can be seen by applying to Robert Elder, at polo stables, Watertown.

To Harvard students. Visit the old established house of J. W. Brine. Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired. Mr. Harry Haugh, the great London cutter, has charge of our custom department. His large experience at Cambridge and Oxford, England, enable him to do nothing but first class work. We are the regular co-operative store. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

$50 Reward. The above reward will be paid to any person that may bring a garment to my Tailoring Department stained, and I fail to remove it. Mr. John Rogers, whose ability as a first-class cutter needs no comment, has charge of the tailoring department, the only place in Cambridge where the original Blenheim 4 Button Cutaway, Sack and Jalva Sleeve Overcoat can be got up. Pants a specialty. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.

Arrival of European steamer with goods for J. W. Brine. 500 white al wool Sweaters; 500 all wool Cordigan Jackets; 5,000 yards English Flannel; and English Mackintoshe's; 500 Rugby Foot Balls. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
