
Fact and Rumor.

B. W. Palmer, '88, has been made a business editor of the Lampoon-

The game between Exeter and Andover occurs to-day at Exeter.

The Advocate was out yesterday and was an unusually interesting issue.

Sixty students at Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., have been suspended for attending a performance of Richard III, contrary to faculty orders.

The Princeton faculty have forbidden the Polo grounds game on Thanks-giving day; the game will take place at New Haven on the 21st.


Mr. Adams will be inaugurated president of Cornell on the 19th. The invited guests are numerous, and there will be many noted men present.

The Christmas tour of the Yale Glee Club includes concerts at Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Milwaukee and Cincinnati. - Yale News.

Dr. Francke will deliver a lecture on "The Christian Elements in Germanic Mythology," before the Historical Society on Monday evening, Nov. 16th.

The hare and hounds run yesterday was very satisfactory. The hares, who were also the winners, were Bailey, '88, and Lothrop, '87. The number of hounds was gratifyingly large. The first four were Dana, '88, Craig, '87, Litchfield, '86, ond Blossom, '88. The time of the run was one hour and fifteen minutes.

There was a scrub game of foot-ball between tables forty-two and thirty-two yesterday, which resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 18 to 0.

The Oelrichs Cup, won by Harvard last spring, has at last been sent to the manager of the lacrosse team. It will be placed on exhibition at Leavitt & Pierce's on Monday.

Coxe, Yale's centre rush, weighs 247 lbs., Beecher, the quarter-brck, weighs 124. Nevertheless, the quality of their playing is in inverse ratio of their weights.

A petition asking that the library be kept open for the delivery of reserved books until 4.15 p.m. has been placed at Bartlett's. Exery member of the university is invited to sign before Saturday, Nov. 21st.

Mr. Goodlett, president of the Yale Foot-ball Association, disproves the rumor that Mr. Palmer, the deceased Yale freshman, came to his death through foot-ball. The doctors state that foot-ball was in no way accountable for his sudden death.

It is intended to have the first "fast-hunt" of the season on next Friday. The run will be about twelve miles, and every man for himself from the start. The hares will probably be Dana, '88 and Webster, '87.

The last of this month, a convention of instructors in physical training, from all colleges and schools, is to be held in Brooklyn. The convention will include all the prominent men in that department, and Dr. Edward Hitchcock, of Amherst, will preside.

As a trainer Frank Dole has been very unfortunate. Last year he trained the Wesleyan team and they were beaten by University of Pennsylvania; this year he trained the University of Pennsylvania team and they in turn were beaten by Wesleyan.
