

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

SENSATIONAL REPORTERS.EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - There is great complaint among the students in regard to the disreputable way in which college correspondents of the daily press "work up" for their own advantage and at the expense of truth, sensational reports of college happenings. Such was notoriously the case, to cite example, in regard to the so-called rush between '88 and '89, and recent explosion in College House. Only Thursday last we read how Memorial waiters "cut and slashed each other." All these cases are "written up," with little or no foundation in fact. Those who know anything about the college take these accounts for the little that they are worth, but the mass of people read these bloody tales with avidity and shuddering horror, and vow never to send their sons to such a school of iniquity as Harvard. How utterly absurd all this is! Yet the raving maniacs who write all this stuff are allowed to roam about at will to deliberately falsify, and to bring great and undeserved discredit on the fair name of our college. Let something be done quickly to put an end to this crying evil. Let every man ascertain the names of those who thus misuse their power, and let them lienceforth be avoided as "dangerous beasts" by all who love the college. I would not seem to refer in anything I have said to those college correspondents who give their papers all the news, without attempting to make a disgraceful sensation of a cold, dry fact. On the contrary let men of this sort, and there are still a few in existence, receive all possible praise. * *
