The freshman class certainly deserves the sympathy of the college in the misfortune that has come upon it by the necessary resignation of the captain of the class crew. The care and conscientiousness which eighty-nine's captain has given to his work have won for him the good wishes and respect not only of all the candidates for the crew, but also of all the members of the class and college. The misfortune that has befallen him is one for which we believe no one can be blamed, and the class can view it only as a matter of pure accident. We extend our sympathy to eighty-nine's captain for his injury and to the class for its real loss. We trust, however, that this misfortune will in no way dampen eighty-nine's enthusiasm in boating matters; and that whoever may succeed to the position of captain of the eighty-nine crew will work as conscientiously as his predecessor has done.
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