The chorister of '86 wishes to communicate with anyone who intends to write words for the class song.
B. C. HENRY, 41 Thayer.The Chess Club proposes to hold a tournament for the chess championship, open to all members of the university. A prize of the value of $10.00 will be given to the winner, and a second prize will be awarded if there is a sufficient number of entries. The games will be played at such times and places as the contestants agree upon among themselves, with the exception that the final games are to be played at a meeting of the Chess Club. Other rules governing the tournament will be published later. Entries can be sent before Saturday, November, 14; at 10 p.m., to E. L. Dresel, 11 Little's Block. The entrance fee is 25 cents.
E. L. DRESEE, Sec'y H. U. C. C.
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