
Note and Comment.


Senator Stanford has given orders to deed in trust his three immense ranches, known as Vina, Gridley and Palo Alta, for the endowment of a University and schools about to be erected at Palo Alta. The three ranches comprise 85.000 acres, and represent a value of $3,500,000. It is Senator Stanford's intention to make this institution the best in this country or Europe. The best professors will be secured at home and abroad.

By his noble gift, for the foundation of a great university, the Senator has united himself with the great men who have gained fortunes, and then immortalized their names by placing their wealth where it will be a boon to Humanity in years to come. He has placed himself side by side with the great educators of the day, by making it possible for them to carry on, in new fields, the great work of educating the race and lifting man to a higher level. He will be known as the man who founded the University after his fame as senator shall have faded from memory. - Ex.
